Can not express in words the feeling I get just by being back in China! It is the only place I truly Love on Earth. Just being here makes my heart sing and turns my demons into poets.

Westernized Singapore, beach Thailand, famous U.S., or perfect EU is NOTHING!!! comparing to Incredibly Amazing-full and Beautiful China with it's Imperial Majesty and Complete Harmony of Life. It is something like "all in one package" on every made step.

This is The Only Place I can call HOME, the only place I want to live, the only place I feel naturally happy, the only place I'm really longing for being abroad, the only place i want to return, the only place I Love, the only country I suggest for my true friends.

My Dear China: I'm so happy I'm back and so sorry for wasting my time being abroad for so long and so willing to gain back lost while I was away!!! The feeling is like time used being abroad is the time wasted of my life, of my happiness. I never want to leave you for so long ever again.

And so I'm back! Good morning, China, good morning my dear business city Shanghai, incredible Beijing, posh Shenzhen, unbelievable Guanzhou, so beautiful Guilin, green Fujien, peaceful Tianjin, righteous Lhasa, ice-cold Harbin!!!

Good morning my Home, sweet Home!!!

I'm back and want to stay here forever.

China... Mmmm ... I really Love You!!!

Can't be amazed by the beautiful buildings and cleanness.

Shanghai. This is what I call a city.